Home > What was I thinking???

What was I thinking???

May 25th, 2006 at 05:56 pm

I did it again. Went to TJ Maxx last night just because I had not been in close to three weeks. I just wanted to get out of the house for awhile to take my mind off of my mom being ill. I don’t know what it is about that store but I always make a purchase there. Last night was no different. I found a really cute skirt and top that together cost $40.00. I justified the purchase because my DH told his mom we would go to an anniversary party with her this weekend and I didn’t have a thing to wear.

When I got home, my husband was still out playing golf so I casually threw the bag under my desk. He hates it when I got to the Maxx. I kept feeling guilty about this purchase and this morning found the perfect dress in my closet to ware to the party. Today I spent my lunch time today returning the purchase to the store. Whew, I sure feel better now.

Note to self: If I have to hide it from my DH not a good purchase.

1 Responses to “What was I thinking???”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Note to self: If I have to hide it from my DH not a good purchase.

    That is a very good indicator that the puchase was not a good idea.
    When I get stressed and need to get out of the house, I go to the library...where NO HARM can be done Smile
    Or next time you want to go to the Maxx, GO...but while you're in there keep saying to yourself "Is this WORTH the confession that I'll have to make on my blog???" (works for me every time!!!)

    Seriously, the morale is, you realized your error and corrected it! Good for you!!!

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